Welcome to
Alpha Lambda Mu.
Connecting, building, and sustaining a lifelong brotherhood as the first Muslim-interest fraternity in America.

Welcome to
Alpha Lambda Mu.
Connecting, building, and sustaining a lifelong brotherhood as the first Muslim-interest fraternity in America.

Welcome to
Alpha Lambda Mu.
Connecting, building, and sustaining a lifelong brotherhood as the first Muslim-interest fraternity in America.
There’s a void that needs to be filled, a path that needs to be paved, a balance that needs to be established. And we’re here to do that.
There’s a void that needs to be filled, a path that needs to be paved, a balance that needs to be established. And we’re here to do that.
The job of many Muslim student organizations that are already on college campuses is to serve as a hub for Muslim life on campus, which is a large task in and of itself. Thus, many of these organizations are not able to successfully tap into the potential of strong brotherhood and intensive personal development in a way that the fraternity model can.
The word “fraternity” or “brotherhood” translates to the word akhuwwa in Arabic. Brotherhood is an extremely powerful force that has been recognized in the Islamic tradition as a catalyst for good. The potential that a young man has to bring benefit to a society is great, but the potential that a group of young men under a unified banner and mission has the ability to change their society forever.
The word “fraternity” or “brotherhood” translates to the word akhuwwa in Arabic. Brotherhood is an extremely powerful force that has been recognized in the Islamic tradition as a catalyst for good. The potential that a young man has to bring benefit to a society is great, but the potential that a group of young men under a unified banner and mission has the ability to change their society forever.
There’s a void that needs to be filled, a path that needs to be paved, a balance that needs to be established. And we’re here to do that.
The job of many Muslim student organizations that are already on college campuses is to serve as a hub for Muslim life on campus, which is a large task in and of itself. Thus, many of these organizations are not able to successfully tap into the potential of strong brotherhood and intensive personal development in a way that the fraternity model can.
The word “fraternity” or “brotherhood” translates to the word akhuwwa in Arabic. Brotherhood is an extremely powerful force that has been recognized in the Islamic tradition as a catalyst for good. The potential that a young man has to bring benefit to a society is great, but the potential that a group of young men under a unified banner and mission has the ability to change their society forever.
The word “fraternity” or “brotherhood” translates to the word akhuwwa in Arabic. Brotherhood is an extremely powerful force that has been recognized in the Islamic tradition as a catalyst for good. The potential that a young man has to bring benefit to a society is great, but the potential that a group of young men under a unified banner and mission has the ability to change their society forever.
See How AΛM is Changing Lives
See How AΛM is Changing Lives
A sneek peek into the network of our brotherhood

As Seen On

As Seen On

New York Times
Fraternity Life, Islamic Style

With young muslims demanding support, acceptance and greater understanding of a culture that many Americans seem to know little about…

New York Times
Fraternity Life, Islamic Style

With young muslims demanding support, acceptance and greater understanding of a culture that many Americans seem to know little about…

Huffington Post
Meet Alif Laam Meem

Alpha Lambda Mu is not your typical fraternity. Also known as Alif Laam Meem, it has the distinction of being the nation’s only Muslim fraternity since its founding…

Huffington Post
Meet Alif Laam Meem

Alpha Lambda Mu is not your typical fraternity. Also known as Alif Laam Meem, it has the distinction of being the nation’s only Muslim fraternity since its founding…
Buzzfeed News
10 things you might not know about Alpha Lambda Mu

The founding members told The Independent that the idea started as a joke, but developed into a full-fledged frat that hopes to that modern Muslim college students could have an organic college experience…

Buzzfeed News
10 things you might not know about Alpha Lambda Mu

The founding members told The Independent that the idea started as a joke, but developed into a full-fledged frat that hopes to that modern Muslim college students could have an organic college experience…

ABC News
Muslim Fraternity Confronts Negative Stereotypes

Members of Alif Laam Meem, the founding chapter of the new Alpha Lambda Mu Fraternity, held signs that said "Muslims Say No to Domestic Violence" and "Muslims Say Yes to Women's Rights"…

ABC News
Muslim Fraternity Confronts Negative Stereotypes

Members of Alif Laam Meem, the founding chapter of the new Alpha Lambda Mu Fraternity, held signs that said "Muslims Say No to Domestic Violence" and "Muslims Say Yes to Women's Rights"…

The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.
The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.
Quran 49:10

The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.
Quran 49:10